Stop Blowing Cold On Fridge Organization
When it comes to keeping your kitchen clean, there always seems to be something else to do. No sooner have you loaded the dishwasher than you need to wipe down those sides. The second you mop the floor, you spot smears on your cupboards. And, when all is said and done, you’ll still need to consider cleaning your fridge.
Too often, this last task falls by the wayside. Our fridges are shut up, so many of us don’t mind things getting a little out of control here. The trouble is that left to their own devices, our fridges can become the brains of our kitchen existence. Prepping for meals can become a mammoth task. You may even find that there’s out-of-date food lurking in the back. That’s no way to a kitchen that works for you, and it’s an issue you need to address.
Trust us; you’re not alone if this is your reality. When you have a family to care for, it’s so much easier to pile things up and shut the door. The sheer amount of food you need means that organization here is going to be tricky no matter what you do. Lucky for you, it’s by no means an impossible task. In fact, we’ve got a few key pointers that could see your fridge as clean as the rest of your kitchen in no time.
Take care of the exterior
First; let’s address your fridge’s exterior. When you have kids in the house, fridge magnets and art pieces have a habit of taking over here. You may even use this as something of a pinboard for photographs you’ve taken or postcards you’ve received. The trouble is that this can fast look scruffy. If your kids bring home a painting every day, you’re looking at a cluttered kitchen no matter how often you clean. As such, this organizational task starts here. You don’t, of course, need to get rid of everything on your fridge’s exterior. A few well-placed magnets can look fantastic. But, all that scruffy paper and the like has to go. If you’re keen to display your kid’s art, why not frame it and hang it on your walls? You could even get those photographs you love blown up and turned into art prints from the store at and others like them. And, let’s be honest; those postcards would be even safer tucked away in a box somewhere. These are small efforts on your part, which can make a huge difference to your fridge straight away. After these steps alone, you should find that your kitchen looks a whole lot cleaner.
Invest in containers
Once you’ve taken care of the outside, it’s time to head in. One of the worst things about our fridge interiors has to be the rummaging to get to what you want. If you have to pull everything out to get to that one item, you’re making a mess and stressing yourself out. And, it doesn’t have to be that way. By investing in fridge-specific containers like those found at, you can tackle this issue once and for all. Many of us put off making this move because we’re worried about the space such containers can take up. In reality, though, that space is mostly negated by the organization this brings. With containers on every shelf of your fridge, you’ll be able to dedicate set areas to everything. Like folding your clothes, you may find that this leaves you with a lot more room to play with. All you need to do is take care of how you stack food when you come to place it in its chosen area. Make sure, too, that you pick containers you can pull out and rummage through without much hassle.
Label everything
Once your containers are in place, it’s time to get labeling. Placing labels in the fridge can seem a little over the top, especially once you’ve put everything in order anyway. But, you would be amazed how much easier this small step can make things. As simple as this, you’ll be able to tell what you need from one glance. That saves you from having to pull out different compartments each time you come to find what you need. More importantly, it saves the rest of the family from messing things up every time they open those fridge doors. This provides you all with a clear guideline of what goes where at all times. Of course, you don’t need to go all out with extensive lists of what each container includes. Just write out keywords that help you to keep things in order. Your fridge should already have a veg drawer, so that’s an obvious one. Then, you could focus on primary groups like ‘meat’ and ‘dairy’. If you did want to take it further, you could break these down into things like ‘eggs’ and ‘spreads’, but you don’t need more detail than that.
Reassess regularly
It’s also essential to remember that fridge organization isn’t a one-time task. It’s not like your cutlery drawer, which you can sort and then leave to its own devices. When you think about it, most of our fridge-based issues come down to things like out-of-date food. To make sure that doesn’t threaten your organization’s efforts, you should reassess at least once a month. Take this time to have a quick look through each section to check that everything inside is still in use. This provides you with the opportunity to check dates and make sure no ingredients are liable to go off. It’s also crucial that you keep an eye on your condiments. These often fall foul to neglect because they tend to be long-lasting. Still, it’s essential that you sort through dates and make sure to throw away those you can’t use anymore. If nothing else, this regular attention ensures that you keep plenty of room in your fridge for the new food you intend to put there each week.
Originally posted 2019-04-16 11:39:46.