5 Appealing Ways to Kit Out Your Bedroom For Better Sleep

5 Appealing Ways to Kit Out Your Bedroom For Better Sleep

If you’re getting your home fit for winter, you might like to take the opportunity to make your bedroom cozy, too. And if you’re struggling with sleep at the moment, you’re in luck: these stylish interior design tips will help you make sleep a priority when it comes to bedroom decor.  

Get Your Mattress Sorted 

If you’re still sleeping on the mattress you purchased from the thrift store back when you were at university, that may be the source of your sleep problems. The readiness with which you fall asleep and stay in a deep slumber for the whole night—not to mention waking up in the morning without those lumpy-mattress aches and pains—largely comes down to the alignment of your spine. Heard of The Princess and the Pea?

Well, if there’s a moral to be learned from that story, it’s that you simply can’t be too picky when it comes to choosing the right mattress for your needs. Everything from firmness to materials will affect your comfort and sleep quality, so it’s crucial to do your homework and invest in a lasting product that promises years of good sleep in the future. 

If you share a bed with a partner, look for a mattress that suits you both by checking out reviews for the best mattresses out there. It’s also a good idea to read relevant threads on Reddit to find out what other sleep fanatics have to say about the various mattresses and their effects on your spinal health. 

Breathable Linen 

Clean, breathable (and ideally high-quality) bedding is essential for a good night’s sleep. If you’re looking for a reason to up your linen game anyway, now you have it. One of the best ways to promote good sleep is to ensure that your linen is comfy and doesn’t make you sweat. Go for natural fibers that provide breathability, with linen and cotton being good candidates.

A pillow under your knees is a good idea if your spine needs extra support, but just make sure that the pillow is made from natural fibers, as it can make you sweat otherwise. Everything from throw rugs to duvets and sheets is important when you’re selecting your ideal bedding for a good night’s sleep. 

Layer Up 

One of the top reasons for bad sleep is night sweats: waking up in the night feeling hot and sweaty, but also kinda cold and clammy because you’ve soaked your PJs and sheets. Not cool! A good way to prevent this is to layer sheets and duvets for warmth when it’s cold.

This gives you the option of peeling back a layer when you feel warm, preventing an all-or-nothing approach that can cause night sweats. It’s important to note, though, that night sweats can have various causes, some of the medical, so if you’re suffering from this frustrating occurrence regularly, it’s a good idea to see your GP to rule out any more serious causes of your night sweats. 

Get Some Fresh Air 

If you’ve ever attempted to fall asleep in a warm stuffy room, you’ll know how important it is to have cool, fresh air in your room overnight. One of the best ways to improve your sleep is to keep the atmosphere feeling fresh by facilitating air movement through your room. Keeping your room breezy and cool lets your body regulate its temperature and power down for the night.

Open windows are a good solution if you live in a temperate climate—light, billowy curtains are a great window treatment if you’re going for this option. Install a ceiling fan, preferably one that simultaneously offers better lighting and airflow, as you’ll have the opportunity to up your bedroom lighting game at the same time (more of this below!). A fan is also a great alternative to air conditioning, which is not ideal for sleep. There’s also nothing uglier than an air-conditioning unit, so if you’re looking to keep your bedroom stylish, a fan is a clear winner! 

Focus on Lighting 

Poor bedroom lighting is one of the main obstructions to quality sleep. There are two things to focus on in the lighting department. Firstly, for the few hours, before you go to sleep, it’s important to have low lighting, to help your body get into sleep mode.

A standing lamp with a low-wattage bulb is a good idea, or even fairy lights, which offer limitless possibilities! Once you go to sleep, however, you’ll be better off with total darkness. If you live in a city and the ambient light from the street keeps you up, it’s probably time to invest in black-out curtains. 

If your bedroom needs a bit of an overhaul anyway, take the opportunity to boost your sleep at the same time. These tips will help you transform your bedroom into a sleep sanctuary.

Originally posted 2019-11-04 16:22:43.