The World’s Healthiest Countries

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The World’s Healthiest Countries

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you lived in a different country? I’m sure this is something that lots of people have pondered before. The country that you live in will have a big impact on your life as each nation has different social systems and benefits for its citizens. But the geography of a country could also have consequences too. After all, this could affect your health – generally, people are happier and have better mental health in countries that benefit from good weather, for instance.


So, want to know which are the healthiest countries in the world? Read on to find out more!




If you moved to Israel, there is a good chance that a change in your diet would promote some excellent health. A recent study carried out by the Israeli government showed that 80% of the country’s population regularly eat fresh fruit and vegetables in their diet, which is, of course, one of the best ways to guarantee good health. They also eat lots of fresh fish as well, which is a great source of healthy fats.




If you read this article about aging around the world, you will notice that Japan is one of the world leaders when it comes to healthcare and wellness. That’s good news for your health! Lots of people believe that the Japanese diet plays a big part in this excellent ranking in the world’s health leagues. But the Japanese are also really into exercise and self-care, which will also impact on the country’s overall health as well.




The Scandinavian countries often come on top of various leaderboards when it comes to the quality of life that they offer. When it comes to the healthiest one, it looks like Sweden takes the crown. The Swedes love their exercise, which is, of course, the best way to burn off any excess calories. They are also masters of wellness and regularly spend time in saunas. Many people believe this is a great way to detox and sweat toxins out of the body.




Australians love the outdoor life and can often be found surfing, jogging, and taking part in any sport or exercise that makes to most of the country’s fantastic weather. Locally sourced food is meant to be some of the healthiest you can eat, which is why it is one of the biggest trends in the health world right now. But it’s not just a trend over in Australia – it is a way of life and something all the Australians have been eating for years!




Spain is known for the Mediterranean diet. This diet is made up of plenty of heart-healthy foods, such as whole grains and oily fish. It also features a lot of fresh vegetables too. Because of this fantastic diet, the Spanish are thought to be some of the healthiest people in the world!


So, where would you move to if you had the chance? Maybe one of these healthy countries takes your fancy!?

Originally posted 2018-07-02 15:53:57.