5 Great Ways To Get Ready For A Big Move
5 Great Ways To Get Ready For A Big Move. So you’ve finally got the house of your dreams! You are starting to get the house ready for the big moving day. Moving home can be stressful. Whatever your situation, we have five top tips to make your house move a happy one.
Start Planning As Soon As You Can
The earlier you start planning for the move, the less stress you will hopefully encounter. When securing the house, it’s understandable that you can get so caught up in the house-buying process, you forget or don’t have time for getting everything packed up and ready to go.
Get Organized With Your Packing
Start by considering a variety of supplies for Self Storage, from cardboard to plastic boxes and a range of sizes depending on what you need to pack. It’s tempting to put off packing, but there are bound to be items you don’t need until a few months after the move. Consider packing Summer clothes you don’t need if you’re moving in January or the Christmas tree you can put in a box if you’re moving mid-July. Make sure you label them all up with the room they’re going in, along with whether they’re essential. Consider how frazzled you may be on the day, and make it as easy as possible for your future self to handle.
Make Sure You Are Realistic About What Will Fit
If you’ve accumulated a lifetime’s worth of items and are downsizing consider this before you pack up the kitchen sink and try and fit it into your new place. It’s the perfect opportunity for a new start if you want to put a fresh spin on your new home, so consider items you can sell or give to Goodwill. Likewise for your furniture, you might end up with oversized or undersized items for your new home and need a rethink before you try and fit your sofa up a flight of stairs or through a too-small entryway (cue Ross from Friends yelling Pivot). Visit your new home ahead of time to measure up everything so that you can get some furniture lined up for delivery.
Make A To-Do List For Addresses and People To Update
One of the first things everyone forgets to do during their house move is to update their account information. List everything from bank accounts, internet, contact lens orders, prescriptions, driving licenses, and relatives to tell. Be kind to future you and remember that you’re going to be busy, and might need to be reminded of all the essential items you’ll forget as soon as you launch yourself into integrating into your new area. When you set up finance for new furniture, also remember that if you change the address on your bank account, it could cause a problem if you change the address midway through a credit check, so wait until the payments are set up before updating everything.
Give People Jobs Or Distractions
Too many cooks can make a move too complicated, so think about things to keep any of your little ones occupied on the big day. Why not prepare some delicious snacks for you all ahead of time, like these pumpkin chocolate chip cookies? Even buy a chew toy or bone for your dog to distract them during the move. If you’ve got older children or can rope some people in to help, give them a clear job (like cleaning, moving boxes, or sourcing that essential first move takeaway) to avoid them loitering around wondering what to do on the move day.