The Mindset Of Healing And Cancer
The Mindset Of Healing And Cancer. Cancer is a disease that can strike anyone at any time, without warning. Not only that, but it’s a pernicious condition that grows from dysregulation of your own body. It’s a part of you, but one that isn’t good for your body and mind as a whole.
Research, however, suggests that the way that we react to a cancer diagnosis can have a profound impact on how we heal, both emotionally and physically.
On hearing of their cancer diagnosis, people react in a variety of ways. Some bury their feelings of fear and despair, trying to promote feeling positive as much as they can. Others immediately reach out for the help of others, getting them to assist them through the most challenging times. Some hide under the blanket, hoping the problem will go away but knowing deep down that it won’t – not until they’ve completed cancer treatment, anyway.
So if you have cancer, how do you get through it? What mindset should you adopt to maximize the chance of success?
Live For The Day
People often talk about “thriving” as an essential prerequisite for a long and healthy life, but what does it mean?
For many, thriving is living life to the full every day that you’re alive and not missing out on opportunities as they present themselves. For instance, it could mean joining a club, changing directions, committing to new mental habits, starting a relationship, or doing volunteer work. It could be anything that you’ve always wanted to do but didn’t do before your diagnosis.
While doing all of this might sound reckless in the face of a cancer diagnosis, it can help you enormously when it comes to living a full and worthwhile life. The more people in your life to who you contribute positively, the more fulfilled you’ll feel.
Don’t Spend Too Much Time With Doctor Google
While Google is helpful most of the time, it can be a nightmare when you have a cancer diagnosis. The last thing you want to be doing is spending your days worrying about your diagnosis and whether people in a similar predicament have survived or not.
Remember, your body is unique. The way cancer interacts with your body, and your medical treatment will be different from somebody else. Sometimes, that’s a good thing; other times, it’s terrible. You just don’t know.
Don’t Feel You Have To Fight Cancer
People often talk about the “fight against cancer” or how a specific person “lost their fight with cancer.” We don’t talk about any other disease in this way. It makes it seem as if it is something that you can fight when the truth is that often it isn’t.
That isn’t to say that there is no hope – there is always hope. It just means, however, that the way you think about cancer needs to change. Willpower is not enough to beat a formidable disease like this, but feeling content, no matter what your situation, can help. The happier you are throughout your treatment, the better your odds.