House Cleaning Tips that will Help you to Ease your Allergies

House Cleaning Tips that will Help you to Ease your Allergies. If you suffer from allergies, then you will know how frustrating they can be. You may feel as though you are constantly battling them and that you also find it hard to get through the day without grabbing a box of tissues. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to try and stop your allergies from taking over and the below tips should be more than enough to help get you started.

Change your Vacuum Filter

It’s so important that you make sure that your vacuum has a HEPA filter. Some allergens are really small, to the point where they can pass right through your vacuum filter. This means that every time you do clean up, you are sucking them right off the floor and then propelling them into the air. This makes them way easier to breathe in, and it could also be a major cause of your problems. HEPA filters are very easy to come by and you would be surprised at how much they can help you to limit allergens in the home.


Cut Clutter

Boxes of clothing and even dust can hide allergens such as cockroaches and even dust mites. If you want to stop them from affecting you, then you have to make sure that you try and cut down on the amount of clutter that you have in your home. This includes any piles of books that you may have and even papers.


Wear a Mask

When you clean your home, it may help to wear a dust mask. When you have done with all of the housework required, you then need to leave your home for a couple of hours. This will limit the number of allergens that you are going to be exposed to and it will also help you to prevent any unnecessary irritation.


The bathroom does need to be kept free from mold. Tiles need to be scrubbed regularly and you should never forget the shower curtain either. Sometimes you can just toss this in the washing machine, and when you do you can give it the deep clean that it needs. Mold can really irritate your airways and it can also cause health problems too, so keeping an eye out for it is crucial. Sometimes it’s even possible for mold to accumulate in your air conditioning unit as well, so you need to try and make sure that you clean it regularly. If you need a repair, contact Bradley Mechanical.

Don’t use Scented Cleaners

If you suffer from allergies, then you may find that the fragrances that are in cleaners really can trigger your symptoms. You need to look out for products that are fragrance-free as much as possible so that you can limit the amount of exposure that you are up against. If you are having a hard time finding products that don’t have a fragrance, then it may be worth searching online.