5 Types of Attorneys You Are Likely To Meet In Your Life
5 Types of Attorneys You Are Likely To Meet In Your Life. As you get older, chances are you will come into contact with situations that necessitate the need for an attorney. The law is a broad topic that includes many different facets, so knowing what type of attorney you need in other circumstances will help you navigate different life areas.
This post looks at some of the more common types of attorneys you will likely meet during your life.
Family Law Attorney
There are numerous reasons why you would need the services of a family law attorney. You’re looking for a divorce. Or maybe you’d like to have custody of your children. Has your ex-wife requested an increase in her spousal support? Or are you getting married, and you want to draw up a prenup agreement? If your legal issues concern family relationships and obligations, you will require the services of a family lawyer.
Felony Defense Attorney
When the state (via prosecuting attorneys) accuses you of committing a crime, courtroom proceedings are termed criminal (as opposed to civil). If you’ve been arrested, have been given your Miranda rights, and have been taken into custody by the police, you should immediately consult with a felony defense attorney. You will be represented by a criminal defense attorney who will endeavor to ensure that you are treated as “innocent until proven guilty” and will argue for a “not guilty” finding, often by attempting to poke holes in (and so cast doubt on) the prosecution’s theory of the case.
Real Estate Attorney
A real estate lawyer is someone who deals with the rights to land, water, and structures. Perhaps you need to determine whether a lien has been filed against your land, or you need to create an easement on your property. Do you want to subdivide a single lot into two or more lots, or do you need to change the zoning classification or relocate a property line? A real estate attorney will be able to assist you with these types of issues and buy and sell a property for both commercial and residential requirements.
Injury Attorneys
If you’ve been hurt in an automobile accident, you should seek legal representation. When it comes to dealing with insurance companies, these attorneys have extensive experience in assisting you in obtaining the highest compensation possible in light of the blame and damages concerns involved. Personal injury attorneys are not limited to handling car accident situations. Typically, if you have suffered any bodily harm as a consequence of someone else’s negligence, you will require the services of a personal injury attorney. In some circumstances, such as when you slip and fall at a business institution because of a hazardous condition, you may be able to recover compensation. Other examples are medical negligence lawsuits and animal attack cases.
Trusts and Estates Attorneys
If you die, what will happen to all of your assets and money? What strategies can you use to reduce your estate taxes while increasing your children’s inheritance? You may be able to construct your will in such a way that your property can be transferred to the individuals to whom you wish it bequeathed without the need to go to court for “probate.” These kinds of inquiries should be sent to a trusts and estates attorney for clarification.