Are You Taking Self-Care Seriously

Are You Taking Self-Care Seriously? When you hear the term ‘self-care’ it can be easy to feel a little fed up. Lately, it’s all you ever seem to hear is that you need to be looking after yourself better. However, you cannot get away from the fact that it is important and something that needs to be taken seriously.

What Exactly Is Self-Care?

It’s exactly what it says on the tin. It’s looking after yourself to preserve your emotional, physical, spiritual, and social well-being. It’s something that will be different for everyone and you won’t find many people who have exactly the same routine. It’s as unique as you are because it’s for YOU. 

It could be that exercise is important for you and it’s the way you blow off steam or it could be that using your Beat Machine when playing your guitar is more for you. It’s not all about hobbies though, part of self-care is about how you take care of yourself every day. Drinking enough water, eating the right foods, getting some exercise, and sleeping enough are a few to mention. Remember you should also think about the spiritual, emotional, and social side of self-care too. 

Why Is Personal Care Important? 

Are You Taking Self-Care Seriously

It is absolutely essential for you to do what you need to in life. You keep your phoned charged and care running, right? Therefore your well-being needs to be considered essential, you need to recharge your batteries too. It can be difficult to put yourself first, but in order to be who you want to be and in order to care for others, you need to make sure you are able to physically and mentally. 

The healthier you are, the more you are able to help yourself. When you do self-care, you become more productive. Rather than thinking about it as something that you ‘have to do’ see it as something that is truly important and will help you to live your best life.

When you take part in things that you enjoy it can minimize stress levels and bring you happiness. When you reduce your stress levels you are able to see massive physical and emotional benefits. You will also see a boost in your immune system. This makes it extremely important to make sure you take your personal care seriously. 

How Do You Do Self-Care?

Are You Taking Self-Care Seriously

The first step is probably going to be learning to say no when you need to. People tend to get into the habit of saying yes to everything and becoming piled under and stressed. A nig part of self-care is to take some time for yourself, so you need to make time. Try: 

Adding it to your schedule: All aspects of life include effort and time. Therefore it makes sense that self-care would also require this. If you always find that is difficult to find the time for self-care why not add it to your routine? You are much more likely to do it if you have arranged a specific time for it. 

Find things you love to do: Once you have established the basics such as eating right and getting enough sleep, you can look further and start finding things that you love to do. It could be sitting down to read a book, writing, crafting, going for a cycle, and more. Even something relaxing like a Swedish Massage in Beaverton, OR, or anywhere else for that matter, can be a wonderful addition. The possibilities are endless. Try to include all areas of self-care including spiritual, social, emotional, and mental.Are You Taking Self-Care Seriously

Treat yourself: You may not think it, but treating yourself can do wonders for your health. People forget that they deserve to have some nice things and to be treated well. It could be a nice meal out, a relaxing bath, some new clothes, a new haircut, paying extra off of your holiday, and anything else that you enjoy that would be considered a treat or spoiling yourself. 

Spend time with people you care about: This is a big one because it is important. You might appreciate your own time, however, it is also great for your health to spend time with the people you care about. Simply be nice to each other, catch up on each other’s lives, and share the burden of any problems you have. Spending time with the people you love can have a huge impact on your health and really make you grateful for all you do have. 

Self-care should be seen as a normal, routine part of life rather than a chore. It is important for you to make time for it but also enjoy it. Do you have any ideas that could be used for self-care? Please share them in the comments below.