5 ways you are holding yourself back from greatness
5 ways you are holding yourself back from greatness. You only have one life and you need to make the most of it. We all know this and hope that we can get there, but most of us are unable to truly live our best life because of…well, ourselves. Here are 5 ways you are holding yourself back from greatness. If you can get past these things, you can achieve a life that you FULLY love!
Stop trying to please everyone
Can I let you in on a little secret? You can never please every single person in life…and when you try, it eats you alive. Focus on one thing: what you want and need in life. Nothing else should matter! Who cares what your neighbor thinks if you love what you are doing? If you do care, you should evaluate why and how you can make sure you will be able to focus more on yourself vs. others. It might be that you need to focus on your own health, for example, and get professional assistance from experts like those at Woburn Addiction Treatment without worrying about how it will look to friends and family, or maybe you want to start a new career and it’s time to do it for you and not think about how others will react. It’s so important to do what’s right for you and no one else.
Don’t be afraid to fail
There are plenty of things that can potentially hold you back in life, but fear? It’s the #1 thing that will ALWAYS hold you back from greatness. Fearing failure is a sure way to never get where you want to be. Instead, you will become stagnant and stuck in a limbo space where you want to get somewhere, but you cannot, because you can’t get out of your head. That’s never a great space to be in! Fear is pretty hard to get over, but there are resources out there to help you. For example, Pure Hypnosis | Sean Wheeler is a great resource in Atlanta. He is an Atlanta hypnotist, with amazing reviews. One of his biggest strengths is helping people overcome fear, but he can help with a slew of other issues such as smoking, losing weight, and more, as well. Sean is now focusing on working with individuals who are interested in transforming their lives, and he is currently only accepting clients who are highly motivated to do so. If this is you and you want to get past the fear, reach out to him!
Be aware of your attitude toward life
Your attitude will either move you forward or backward. It’s greatly affected by what you believe, since what you believe determines the decisions you make. Your beliefs largely stem from your past – what people said and did to you and what you concluded those experiences meant about you. CHOOSE to see the good and have a “half-full” perspective.
See obstacles as opportunities
Life will never stop throwing obstacles at you, no matter how much you try to avoid them. Instead of running from them, learn to see them as opportunities to make what you currently have better. I used to throw in the towel the moment there was a problem or a glitch in my life and my job. These days, I ask myself, “What are these problems going to teach me? What is life trying to tell me? What are the lessons I’m about to discover?” Obstacles are there to show you new lessons. The message behind them will only be revealed to those who work hard to overcome them. What I have learned after completing a project at work or home is that I can do practically anything if I give myself a chance and time to learn and grow. By giving myself a chance in any project or job, I learned how to approach people better and how to get things done faster, more effectively, and more efficiently.
Let people in
I started to believe in myself when I decided to surround myself with the right friends and mentors, both at work and at home. I opened up to them about how I felt, what I wanted to improve, and how I wanted to move forward from there. I believe that having the right people behind you is one of the most critical parts of forming self-belief. That may seem counter-intuitive since self-belief comes from the inside, but it’s easier to develop confidence when we have people in our lives who believe in us and motivate us to go after the things that will make us happy. Don’t be afraid to reach out to those you feel comfortable with and let them in on what you’re going through. When you believe in yourself enough to reach out to others, trusting that you’re worthy of their support, you will become a magnet for opportunities that you never thought were possible for you. Take a chance, be honest, and life will surprise you.
Yes, yes, yes and yes! All very important things to remember and act upon.
I love this post. I often see so many others trying to please other people. I’ve always said to focus on yourself and not to please others.
This is great for life advice! I wish more people would take this seriously.
Seeing obstacles as opportunities is one of the hardest things to do and yet so important to learn. This is a really great post!
These are really great! My favorite is to not be afraid to fail, right up there with not trying to please everyone!
I am bad about trying to please people. I’ve been working hard trying to stop this bad habit.
Live this and I appreciate a post like this as it gives me the motivation I need to work and be better at anything and everything
Everything you said here is so true. Lately, I’m trying my hardest to see obstacles as opportunities. It’s a bit of a challenge, but I remind myself everyday that things can always change quickly and to stay positive.
This is loaded with good advice. I love the advice not to give a hoot about what others think.
I’m the worst for trying to please everyone, and it backfires on me every time! I need to stop trying to do it because it’s absolutely draining. Thank you for the important reminder 🙂
Louise x
Totally agree to all of these. Surround yourself with the right people – the ones that would lift you up and not bring you down.
You are so right! I need to stop to please everyone! It’s the first step to feel good!
See obstacles as opportunities – love this! I always remind myself that whatever happens, happens for good 🙂. Thanks for sharing these tips.
These are all wonderful points. It is good to take a step back and think about the things that can be roadblocks to success.
This is so true! These are definitely areas I need to work on. Hopefully one day I’ll get there. Lol